Saturday 7 June 2014

Slot A

I love the quote from Friday's Light and Shade Challenge, as it seems to apply to so much of life.  I have had far too many battles with things that looked blindingly obvious at first

That is one of those instructions that are so much easier to write than to carry out. 'Just pop the pill down the cat's throat' is another one.
The Housewife's Handbook, 
Rachel Simhon

"Insert Tab A into Slot B."
"Where's Slot B?"
"Is that it?"
"That's the housing for fixing G."
"How about that?"
"That's where you put in the backing, I think."
"What's this?"
"I think it's Panel D."
"What do we need Panel D for?"
"I think it's to rest Housing M on."
"I think we have too many screws."
"I think you've counted them wrong.  See, this size is Screw R and this size is Screw S."
"Why do we need different sized screws?"
"Because this was designed in Hell.  Next time we need furniture we are getting ready assembled."


  1. Hee know, I think I bought this piece of furniture last year. Still can't make out whether it's a chair or a desk... I love this take on the prompt!

  2. Funny and so true to life. I wonder if Screwtape now has a department writing furniture assembly instructions.
